列管冷凝器是一种热交换设备,广泛用于化工、医药、油脂加工等行业。在油脂萃取工艺过程,利用该设备将溶剂混合气体冷却冷凝回收,以便循环使用。Applicable scope: tube bundle condenser is a kind of heat exchange equipment, it is widely used in chemical industry, pharmaceutical, oils and fats processing and etc enterprises. In oil extraction process, using this equipment to condense and recover the solvent mixed gas, so as to cyclic utilization.
性能特点:结构简单,换热效率高,耐腐蚀,故障率低。Performance characteristics: simple structure, high efficiency of heat exchange, corrosion resistance, low failure rate.
二、主要规格和技术参数Main specifications and technical parameters:
型 号Type | 列管长L Tube length | 列管数N Quantity of tubes | 筒体直径D Diameter of barrel | 折流板高E Baffle height |
WLN50 | 卧式Horizontal type 6M | 108 | φ450 | 300 |
WLN80 | 172 | φ550 | 370 |
WLN100 | 215 | φ700 | 400 |
WLN120 | 258 | φ700 | 470 |
WLN150 | 323 | φ800 | 500 |
WLN200 | 430 | φ900 | 580 |
WLN250 | 537 | φ1000 | 650 |
WLN300 | 645 | φ1100 | 700 |
WLN350 | 750 | φ1200 | 750 |
WLN400 | 859 | φ1200 | 800 |
WLN450 | 956 | φ1300 | 850 |
WLN500 | 1074 | φ1400 | 900 |
WLN600 | 1289 | φ1500 | 1000 |
WLN700 | 1504 | φ1600 | 1050 |
WLN800 | 1718 | φ1700 | 1100 |
| 介 质Medium | 工作温度Working temperature | 工作压力Working pressure | 列管材质Material of tubes |
壳程 Shell side | 混合气体Mixed gas | <130℃ | <0.1MPa | 不锈钢管 铝合金管 Stainless steel tube aluminum alloy tube |
管程 Tube side | 水 Water
| 60℃ | <0.25MPa |