VT-500T微电脑挤压机(Solder extruder)
Lead& tin alloy wire( Extruding specsφ5-φ18mm)
a、 铅锡线:可挤压含铅量10-99.95%的铅锡合金丝
Lead& tin alloy wire: Can extruding lead percentage up to 10-99.95% solder alloy wire
Can extrude single core & triple cored flux solder wire
Lead-free solder wire( Extruding specsφ5-φ18mm)
a、锡铜无铅焊锡丝/Tin & copper lead-free solder alloy wire
b、锡银无铅焊锡丝/ Tin & silver lead-free solder alloy wire
c、 锡银铜无铅焊锡丝/ Tin、silver & copper lead-free solder alloy wire
d、 锡锌无铅焊锡丝(含Zn不超45%)
Tin& zinc lead-free solder alloy wire (zinc percentage no more than 45%)
e、 有铅、无铅锡条(需配置切割打码机)
With lead or lead-free solder bar (Have to equipped with solder bar cutter & stamping machine)
f、 以上焊锡丝均可挤压成单芯和三芯等松香焊锡丝
Above solder wire can all be extruded to single or triple flux cored solder alloy wire.
g.产量:1.5-3.5吨/10小时 Output: 1.5-3.5T/10hr
2、 标准配置:Standard configuration
(1) 主缸:采用柱塞式油缸(德国技术)。主缸直径φ500 mm,额定工作压力250kg/cm2(25Mpa液压系统采用稳速系统结构,保障金属及松香流动挤压的稳定性。
Main oil vat: Adopt plunger type cylinder (Germany technology). Vat diameterφ500 mm, rated working pressure 250kg/cm2(25Mpa). Hydraulic system adopts steady speed structure to assure the extruding stability of the metal & flux flow.
(2) 内置子缸:直径φ150 mm,额定工作压力25Mpa.具有快速充油,减少空载时间,提高效率之功能。
Inside oil vat: Diameterφ150 mm, rated working pressure 25Mpa. With the advantage of quick oil injecting to shorten the idle running time and enhance the productivity.
(3) 液压变量泵一台,液压柱塞泵一台(华德品牌)
Hydraulic variable pump & hydraulic plunger pump one set(Adopt Rexroth brand)
(4) 液压阀件:八个(采用华德品牌)
Hydraulic valves: 8pcs (Adopt Rexroth brand)
(5) 调速阀:(采用华德品牌)变量调速.
Speed control valve: Adopt Rexroth German brand variable valve control
(6) 电机:采用国内一级品牌(东莞电机)。电功率11KW-6级电机,5.5KW-4级电机各一台。
Motor: Adopt top brand China (Dong guan motor), two sets at: 11KW-6 & 5.5KW-4
(7) 温控:采用日本RKC温控系统,分模头、前梁,松香桶三段.
Temperature control: Adopt Japan RKC temperature control system, for extruder head, front crossbeam and flux tank three phases.
(8) 松香桶:采用不锈钢内胆,油温加热方式,可恒定松香的温度.带松香观测窗口.可以检测松香使用情况.
Flux tank: Adopt stainless steel, oil heating to enable the flux temperature invariableness. With flux status-checking window to assure it will be always in best status.
(9) 挤压模头:采用热作模具锻造毛胚,经特殊热处理工艺加工而成.
Extruder mould: Adopt heating processed rough model with special heat treatment.
(10) 挤棒规格:φ85mm*200 mm
Extruding billet size:φ85mm*200 mm
(11) 上料:采用光电双保险液压控制。具有全自动上料,下料功能.
Material feeding: Adopt hydraulic photo electricity double assurance control. Fully automatic control for the feeding process.
(12) 电器部分:采用台湾士林、日本RKC、施耐德等品牌(简易开关等部件采用国内正泰品牌)Electric equipment: Adopt Taiwan brand SHSI, Japan RKC, Schneider brand (Simple switches adopted China CHINT brand)
(13) PLC:采用美国艾默生EC10可编程控制器,主模块为EC10-2416BTA(晶体管输出),温度模块为: EC10-4TC(四点热电偶).
(14) 触摸屏:采用台湾台达DOP-A80THTDI (8寸大屏幕PHT LCD)
(15) 用电规格:380V,50HZ(出口可根据不同的国家需求配置)
(16)机器重量: 4.5吨;总功率: 18.5KW
3、 随机配件:
(1) 锡线收线牵引机一台
(2) 锡线收线架一个
(3) 冷却水槽一个
(4) 收线盘两个
(5) 松香桶一个(含接头、气压阀、球阀、调节架)
(6) 松香嘴一条
(7) 松香臂一条
(8) 出线钨钢模一个(φ9mm orφ12mm)
(9) 发热片两片
4、质量保证:一年(非人为破坏)即:在交货日起一年内,机器出现故障,由供方免费维修. (发热片、挤压筒、挤压杆、松香嘴等易损件除外)