一、主要用途: 本机适用于制药、化工、食品(糖、大米、玉米、淀粉、燕麦、面粉、大豆、豌豆、扁豆、香精香料、可可粉、马铃薯粉、咖啡、盐、奶粉、洋葱、脱水蔬菜、海藻、葡萄糖、燕麦壳、果壳、)等行业,是粉碎、吸尘连续出料为一体的粉碎设备。 二、工作原理: WF涡轮粉碎机组由粉碎主机、旋风分离器、脉冲除尘箱及引风机等几部分组成,物料经加料斗进入粉碎室,被高速旋转的锤子击碎而获得粉碎,粉碎好的物料经旋转离心力和引风机的作用,进入旋风分离室,经关风机后出料,粉尘进入脉冲除尘箱,通过过滤袋过滤后回收,粉碎细度通过筛网调节,该机按GMP标准设计,全部采用不锈钢材料制造。主机采用水冷却。生产过程无粉尘飞扬。 First, themain purposes: Thismachine is suitable forpharmaceutical,chemical,food (sugar,rice, corn,starch, oats, flour, beans,peas,lentils, flavor,cocoapowder,potatoflour, coffee, salt,milk,onion,dehydrated vegetables,seaweed, glucose,oatshell,husk,)and other industries,iscrushed,vacuumcontinuousdischargeas one of thecrushingequipment.
Second, the principle: WFTurbomillcrushedby thehostgroup,cyclone,pulsedustboxandfanof several components, the materialthrough thehopperinto the crushing chamber,high-speedrotation of thehammerwascrushedto obtaincrushed,crushedby therotatingcentrifugal forceanda goodmaterialthe role ofinduced draft fan,into the cycloneseparation chamber, thefanoffafterdischarge,dustintodustboxpulse,filteredthrough thefilter bagrecycling, crushingfinenessbysieveadjustment,the machineaccording to the GMPstandard design, allstainless steel materials.Hostwith watercooling.No dustproduction process. 三、技术参数:
型号 | WF-450 | WF-550 | WF-650 | WF-850 | 生产能力(kg/h) | 40-800 | 60-1000 | 100-2000 | 200-3000 | 进料粒度(mm) | ≤10 | ≤10 | ≤10 | ≤10 | 粉碎细度(目) | 20-200 | 20-200 | 20-200 | 20-200 | 粉碎电机功率(kw) | 15 | 18.5 | -22 | -37 | 吸尘电机功率(kw) | 5.5 | 7.5 | 11 | 11-18.5 | 出料电机功率(kw) | 0.75 | 0.75 | 0.75 | 0.75 | 外形尺寸(长×宽×高)(mm) | 4500×1200×2500 | 5500×1300×2650 | 6500×1400×2750 | 8000×1600×3050 | 重量 | 1200 | 2000 | 2800 | 3900 |