产品介绍: 20B30B40B型粉碎机(带除尘器) 本机粉碎机组由380 粉碎机ESC物料箱和吸尘器组成,解决物料在粉碎过程中粉尘飞扬 本机的工作原理是物料进入粉碎室,在高速的旋转的活动齿盘与固定齿盘间受齿的冲击,剪切,摩擦及物料的相互撞击的作用下被粉碎,经帅网帅选后即成为所需的粉料。 本粉碎机组的粉碎机,物料收集箱和吸尘器,全部采用不锈钢材料制作,符合药品生产的“GMP”的要求 300-C新开发型蜗轮模专用中药的粉碎细度达到40-250目 Products: 20B30B40Btype universalgrinder(withfilter) Thegroup consists of380grindermillmachineESCbox andvacuumformedmaterials,the material in thegrinding processto solvedust Thismachineworksthe materialinto the crushing chamber,the activitiesin thehigh-speedrotatingdiskwitha fixedgeartoothbytoothbetweenthe impactplate, shear, frictionandimpactbetweenthe materialbeing crushedunder the action,after the electionbyShuaiShuainetworkbecomesnecessarypowder. Thepulverizergrinder,materialcollection binsand vacuum cleaners, allmade ??of stainless steel, in line withthe production ofdrugs"GMP"requirements 300-Cmodelnewly developedtype ofwormmedicinededicatedto40-250meshgrindingfineness 产品参数: 型号 | 20B-C | 30B-C | 40B-C | 30B-C | 生产能力Production capacity(kg/h) | 60-150 | 100-300 | 160-800 | 100-300 | 主轴转速Spindle speed | 4500 | 3800 | 3400 | 3800 | 进料粒数Feed grains(mm) | 6 | 10 | 12 | 10 | 粉碎细度(目)Fineness (mesh)(mm) | 60-120 | 60-120 | 60-120 | 40-250 | 粉碎电机Grinding motor(kw) | 4 | 5.5 | 11 | 5.5 | 吸尘电机Vacuum motor(kw) | 0.55 | 0.55 | 1.5 | 0.55 | 外形尺寸Dimensions(mm) | 1100X600X1650 | 1200X650X1650 | 1400X700X2310 | 1200X650X1650 |