1-1 | 1 of 900 | 920 X-ray Fluorescence Measurement System - Slotted Chamber (開槽式樣品室,X射線螢光測量系統,型號:CMI920) |
| | Equipped for Automatic operation, the CMI 920 offers the power of X-ray in a compact, economical package. Standard features include color camera, Motorized Z axis control, 30x Magnification, choice of one collimator (wide range of sizes and shapes available), Oxford Instruments' Comprehensive SmartLink® FP (fundamental parameters) Windows® based system operation software, and Report Generator LE (light edition). (CMI920裝備有自動作業系統,是小型化的實用測量系統。它標準配置有30倍即時彩色CCD系統用於樣品圖像觀察;Z軸自動調焦控制功能;擁有多種形狀和多種規格的准直器可供選用。牛津儀器完善的SmartLink FP(基本參數方法)套裝軟體是基於視窗作業系統的軟體;並且套裝軟體附帶有基本版牛津儀器分析報告編輯器軟體。) |
1-2 | 1 of 900-M | Mini-well Base架臺式樣品室 |
| | Can be used to accommodate parts that are too tall to measure with the Standard Base Platform. Adjustable in one inch increments, this rack-styled chamber can accommodate parts up to 6.30 inches (16.00 cm) in height. (此樣品台可適用於對較高樣品的分析,它採用架臺式樣品室,每檔高度調整為1英寸,可允許的最高樣品是6.30英寸/16釐米。) |
1-3 | 1 of 50-0034-50174 | Standard Collimator -12mil (0.305 mmF)(准直器) |
1-4 | 1 of 95-0032-00035 | Software, Operating System Windows XP, Chinese Traditional (中文視窗XP作業系統) |
2-1 | 1 of Applications | Quoted Applications(詢價中指定的應用目的) |
| | Oxford Instruments wants to ensure that you are getting the appropriate unit and standards required to most accurately measure your application. The product being quoted is for the purpose of measuring the applications listed below. If there are applications missing from the list below, or if there is an error in the list below, please notify Oxford Instruments immediately. A corrected copy of the quote will be sent to you for approval. (牛津儀器希望您得到最適宜的儀器配置和為保證您的應用獲得最高分析準確度所需要的標準樣片配備,詳細列表如下您所要求的應用目的。如果存在遺漏或任何錯誤,請即通知牛津儀器,我們將發給您確認修改後的應用列表。) |
CMI920 X-射线荧光镀层厚度测量仪,在技术上一直以来都领先于全世界的测厚行业
1:CMI 920 能够测量包含原子序号22至92的典型元素的电镀层、镀层、表膜和液体,极薄的浸液镀层 (银、金、钯、锡等)和其它薄镀层。区别材料并定性或定量测量合金材料的成份百分含量可同时测定最多5层、15 种元素。
2 :精确度领先于世界,精确到0。025mil (相对与标准片)
3:数据统计报告功能允许用户自定义多媒体分析报告格式,以满足您特定的分析报告格式要求 ; 如在分析报告中插入数据图表、测定位置的图象、CAD文件等。
4 :统计功能提供数据平均值、误差分析、最大值、最小值、数据变动范围、相对偏差、UCL(控制上限)、LCL(控制下限)、CpK图、直方图、X-bar/R图等多种数据分析模式。 CMI920/950系列X射线荧光测厚仪能够测量多种几何形状各种尺寸的样品;
5 :可测量任一测量点,最小可达0.025 x 0.051毫米 样品台选择: CMI920系列采用开槽式样品室,以方便对大面积线路板样品的测量。它可提供五种规格的样品台供用户选用,分别为: 一:手动样品台 1 标准样品台:XY轴手动控制、Z轴自动控制。 2 扩展型标准样品台:XY轴手动控制、Z轴自动控制。 3 可调高度型标准样品台:XY轴手动控制、Z轴自动控制。