LTP1016HHydraulic Drive Pneumatic Wheels Rollers
Pneumatic tire roller series are designed for the compactcohesive and non-cohesive materials,such as asphaltconcrete,cement or lime stabilized soils,gravels,sands andclay mixtures,Rolling Cement Concrete()in theconstruction projects,especially suitable for the preparation of the upper courses of high grade highway.
主要特点:Main Features
▲LTPl016H low gravitational center designed for safe and comfortable operation.
▲Three forward speed and two backward changes. Glass fiber reinforced plastic spraying box and multi-layerwater
filter ensure the stability of the system.
▲With stepless speed changes LTPl016H is easy and reliable to operate.
▲Power strength LTPl016H which adopted 4BT Cummins engine, is suitable to all environments.
主要的技术参数Main technical parameters:
型号 | MODEL |
| LTP1016H |
工作质量 | Operating mass | kg |
不加载 | Without ballast |
| 10000 |
加载 | With ballast |
| 16000 |
最高前进速度 | Max. travel speed | Km/h | 0-14 |
轮胎数量(前+后) | Tire quantity(front, rear) |
| 4+5 |
最小转弯半径 | Min. turning radium | mm | 7500 |
爬坡能力 | Grade ability | % | 30 |
碾压宽度 | Compaction width | mm | 2286 |
轴距 | Wheelbase | mm | 3700 |
总长 | Overall length | mm | 4780 |
总宽 | Overall width | mm | 2280 |
总高 | Overall height | mm | 3200 |
柴油机型号 | Diesel model |
| Cummins 4BT3.9 |
柴油机功率 | Diesel power | KW | 75 |
联系人:高利峰 电话:13383887708 QQ:550426907