Colibrys GYRO
Functional Block Diagram
Key features
Parameter GM1060Px GM1100Px GM1120Px GM1180Px GM1250Px Unit
Measurement Range(1) +/- 60 +/- 100 +/- 120 +/- 180 +/- 250 °/sec
Scale factor (Analogue output - differential): +/- 0,166 +/- 0,100 +/- 0,083 +/- 0,055 +/- 0,040 V/°/sec
Scale factor sensitivity (- 50°C to 85°C) 2500 ppm, 1σ
Bias stability (Allan variance method) (2) 0,15 °/h
Random walk(2):
within 0,1 to 100Hz:
°/sec rms
Bandwidth >100 Hz
Power supply 18 to 32 Vdc
Consumption P1:<3W P2:<4W P3:<5W W typical
Temperature (operating) -50, +85 °C
Vibration (5, 2000Hz) Mil Std 810 Method 514.6-II
Shock Mil Std 810 Method 516.6-I
(1) Any other value available on request from 30 to 250°/sec.
(2) Analogue output, 2σ.
Featured Applications (non-exhaustive)
Aircraft Flight Control
Fire control Systems
Tactical Training Simulators
Sights, optical and infrared line of sight
Gyro-stabilized gimbals
Naval and Land remote weapon systems
Antenna stabilization
Sonars stabilization
Ship anti-roll systems
Naval and Land weapon platforms
Unmanned Aerial vehicles (UAV’s) control
Autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV’s) control
Automotive testing
Tilting trains
GM1000Px Multi axis vibrating rate gyro package family:
GM1000Px is a unit family of Single (P1), Dual (P2) or Three (P3) axis vibrating gyro’s housed in a common hermetic package.
Each unit is factory calibrated and compensated for temperature effects to provide high accuracy differential analogue output
The units are powered by a single 0/18 to 32 Vdc supply and is equipped with