Klüber HTS GREASE Food Grade Lubricant
Description: Klüber HTS GREASE was especially developed for greaselubricated roller chains used in continuous sterilizers, and for roller chains operating under high loads in the mixed friction regime. One of the main product characteristics is the excellent wear protection it provides even under extreme lubricating conditions. Being very resistant to water and steam, this adhesive grease is particularly suitable for applications under saturated steam conditions and normal sterilizer temperatures. Klüber HTS GREASE meets the requirements set forth in the “guidelines of sec. 21 CFR 178.3570 of FDA regulations”. It also complies with the German law on food products and associated ancillaries (LMBG, §5, 1/1). Application: Its goods adhesion, excellent wear protection and outstanding resistance to water and steam make Klüber HTS GREASE the ideal product for the following applications: grease lubricated (roller) chains subject to high loads, plain and rolling bearings operating at low temperatures and high loads, joints, rack-and-pinion mechanisms, tubular tracks, cam plates, stuffing boxes, etc. Application notes: Klüber HTS GREASE is usually applied through centralized lubrication systems (which have to be suitable for NLGI 3 greases, i.e. 220 – 250 mm–1) or with conventional grease guns. We recommend removing all residues of other greases before applying Klüber HTS GREASE. Please take into into account that mixing different greases is generally not considered “food-safe” as described in the “guidelines of sec. 21 CFR 178.3570 of FDA regulations” and in the German law on food products and associated ancillaries (LMBG). Minimum shelf life: The minimum shelf life is approx. 24 months if the product is stored in the original closed container in a dry place. Pack sizes: 450 g grease cartridge 25 kg bucket 联系方式: 电话:28102702 张女士:18126203565 秦先生:13632977470 Q Q:1036317325 邮编:518109 地址:深圳宝安区龙华镇布龙路梅龙 公司网址地址 购买须知: 1.本店主要经营各种进口、国产的品牌工业、车用润滑油、精品。 2.本店很在乎您的每一个好评,如果您对收到的商品有任何的不满意,一定要先联系我们,待我们解决完后再评。 3.本店商品运输方式选择平邮的,一律发的是物流,需要客户到当地物流提货(旺旺或者电话里详谈)。 4.由于各地买家所处地理位置不同,所需运费就不同,所以运费问题我们会与您在旺旺或者电话沟通后给予合理的价格。(您可以先拍下产品,运费更改后您在付款) 5.由于现在国内物流行业的不完善,货物发送时间无法完全确认,因此本店不接急单,催单。 6.在本店购物强烈建议使用支付宝,安全无手续费。 7.本店店主联系电话:0755-28102702 18126203565 13632977470. 8.买家拍下商品成功支付后,我们按照约定时间和运输方式发货,当天下午4:00 之前拍下的,我们会在当日发货(快递发货时间:11:30和16:30;物流发货时间:17:00),快递周日休息。 附注: 1.关于签收须知:凡是在签收过程中发现物品有破损、渗漏的现象,请及时与“深圳市鑫概念贸易有限公司”的工作人员进行联系,我们会及时的为您解决。 注 意:有关油品类运输提醒: 因为润滑油是液体,只能选择物流运输,淘友们拍下大桶后物流费可以到付,(送到所在城市货栈后需自提货)淘友注意:如果要走偏远地区或中转地区时间较长的客户,在您未收到货物时,交易时间如果接近结束,请您及时与公司工作人员进行联系(这期间可能是物流公司运输环节出现问题,造成到达时间会延后,如遇到法定节假日顺延送货)。 |