◆ 真正做到温度湿度分开控制,互不制约和影响。
A real system which complete separate control the temperature and humidity, without any influence and limitation
◆ 采用了低温蒸汽、可编程控制器(PLC)、智能语音、数显等高新技术,最大限度地满足了馒头醒发工艺的需求。
Introduced new-high technologies as the low-temp steaming, programmable logic controller, intelligent voice control, digital display, maximum the requirements for mantou fermenting progress.
◆ 过饱和低温蒸汽环境下醒发,使馒头表皮光亮,延缓馒头的老化。
Mantou fermented in hyper-saturated low-temp steaming environment can achieve a smooth surface, also prolonging aging of mantou.
The ventilations are all well occupied inside the box, which achieved an even temperature and moisture inside box, in further reduction of energy loss.
Our company can also provide service of designing and construction of fermentation room in the replacement of fermentation machine for free based on the requirements of customers.