SAAR V-Clamp Closurer (VC)
l 运用SAAR V-Clamp Closurer快速卡箍式锁紧开关,操作简单、易用和安全,它将停机时间缩至最短,从而减低操作成本。
l 独特的三爪压紧盖可确保良好的滤器与滤袋之间的密封性,滤袋侧漏机率极小。附带的具有专利权的滤袋压盖开启器令操作非常简易。
l 弹簧重力平衡器替代了常规的手动吊拄臂,令顶盖操作轻如无物,只需用手轻轻一推或拉,便可将顶盖打开或放下。
l 侧进侧出的液体流向设计,可确保液体被完全排放,并且正切位进出口亦大大减低了操作高度。
l 滤器的设计和体积紧凑,将液体的损失减至最少。
上海 Shanghai 萨尔 SAAR
型号: M-401-A06-G100-SV
流入方式: 侧进侧出 或底进底出 或侧进底出
过滤袋尺寸/数量: 1# x 4 只
过滤面积 (m²): 1.0
最大理论流量 (m³/h):80 (取决于介质)
工作压力(巴): 6.0
滤器容积(升): 103
标准联接(进/出): 4"平焊法兰
材质: 304; 316; 316L
型号: M-401-A06-G100-SV
流入方式: 侧进侧出 或底进底出 或侧进底出
过滤袋尺寸/数量: 2# x 4 只
过滤面积 (m²): 2.0
最大流量 (m³/h): 160
工作压力(巴): 6.0
滤器容积(升): 205
标准联接(进/出): 4"平焊法兰
材质: 304; 316; 316L
SAAR V-Clamp Quick Closure more bag filter housing is friendly by operation, cost effective for high volume applications and processes demanding frequent bag change-out. Ideal for batch process runs and high dirt load applications.
A counter balanced spring assisted cover lifting mechanism balances the cover perfectly giving it a "weightless" feel. Opening and closing the cover is "finger tip" easy.
V-Clamp Quick Closure rapid opening and closing mechanism ensures simple, operator friendly operation with minimal downtime for bag change-outs. Reduces downtime to increase productivity and decrease operating costs.
Unique 3-point hold of Bag Fixing Ring down for bayonet fitting ensure high quality of the seal between each filter bag and the housing body. A supplied special tool ensures, simple effective operation.
Side inlet and bottom outlet provides easy and complete drainage. A standard tangential outlet reduces housing height.
SIMPLE TO OPERATEThe SAAR V-Clamp more bag filter housing design prevents the cover from being opened until the vessel has been properly vented. Moving the safety interlock handle upwards simultaneously vents the vessel and unlocks the clamp for opening. A threaded spindle mechanism, operated by a hand wheel, opens the clamp so that the cover can be raised with the help of a spring assisted hinge. The entire process takes less than 30 seconds compared to the 10 MINUTES or more it takes to open a vessel with bolted closure.
These Value Added Features...
SAAR V-Clamp spindle mechanism.-----
Low profile design with tangential inlet/outlet-----
Spring assisted cover lift.-----
Give These Benefits...
Operator friendly for fast bag change-out. Ideal for processes requiring frequent bag changes such as batch processes.
Reduces the housing height to make bag changing easier. There is no need for ladders, stools or catwalks.
Quick, easy opening/closing of even the largest size covers by a single person.
Type: M-401(402)-A06-G100-SV
Flow Type: Side in & out or Bottom in & out or Side in Bottom out