connections sen
l 主杆只负责升降,手臂和外壳装在主杆上用于横移,结构轻便,运行阻力小,适用于大行程大型连线。
l 横移和升降均采用AC伺服电机传动。
l 进料方式:卷料可搭配空气送料机、NC滚轮送料机和三合一送料机,片料可搭配双堆式积料架。
l 吸着方式采用真空吸盘或电磁吸铁,气动夹具可混合使用,适应不同工件。
l 采用PLC和触摸式人机界面控制系统,可直观查看运行状态和异常监视,各项冲压作业参数可经由人机介面输入、修改、调整设置方便、维护简单。
l The main rod is only responsible for lifting. The main rod and
attach the cover to the main lever for sliding, structural lightweight, small
running resistance, applicable to large travel large connection.
l Traversing and elevating adopt AC servo motor drive.
l Roll material with air feeder, NC roll feeder and triple feeder lose
flakes a double heap-plot can be used with rack.
l Sucking vacuum suction cups or the electromagnetic iron absorption,
pneumatic clamps mixed use to adapt to different workpiece.
l PLC and touch the man-machine interface control system. Intuitive
view the operational status and exception monitoring, the stamping operation
parameters can be entered through the man-machine interface, modify, adjust the
settings convenient and simple to maintain.