JL-H808 是在聚酯薄膜上涂覆一层性能优异
Product Description: JL-H808 Silicone polyester tape is a
polyester film single coated with silicone adhesive.
电镀、超高温烤漆、粉末喷漆及晶片元件端电极使用等 .
Typical Applications: JL-H808 is mainly used as protects
specific areas of a PCB in high-temperature environments
and protects electroplating, ultra-high temperature paint,
powder paint and chip components.
产品特点:JL-H808 产品具有优异的耐热、耐寒、耐溶
剂性能 .
Product Features: JL-H808 has excellent heat, cold, solvent
and voltage resistance.