KLA-Tencor探针式轮廓仪 参数:
GENERAL Scan Length: 10 mm Scan Speed: 2μm/sec to 200μm/sec Scan Method: Bi-directional moving stylus, stationary stage Sampling Rate: 50Hz, 100Hz, 200Hz, 500Hz, 1000Hz Vertical Range/Resolution: Standard: Vertical Range 550μm Max Step Height ~500μm 20μm/0.012A 550μm/0.328A Optional: Vertical Range 2000μm Max Step Height ~1900μm 20μm/0.012A 550μm/0.328A 2000μm/1.19A Stylus Force: 1-100 mg manually adjustable Optics Field of View with Variable Zoom: Standard (min/max zoom): 3000 x 3000μm/1000 x 1000μm Optional (min/max zoom): 1300 x 1300μm/450 x 450μm REPEATABILITY Step Height Repeatability: 7.5 or 0.1% (1s), whichever is highest of the measured step height1 SAMPLE HANDLING Scan Access: Measures any point on a 160 mm diameter Maximum Sample Stage Movement (Manual): X-Axis: 5.94 inches (151 mm) Y-Axis: 3.15 inches (80 mm) Theta: 360° Maximum Sample Thickness: 0.82 in (21 mm) Maximum Sample Weight: 2.2 lbs (1 kg)
KLA-Tencor探针式轮廓仪 产品说明:
The Alpha-Step IQ is a state-of-the-art, stylus-based surface profiler that combines high measurement precision with versatility and economy. Ideal for applications such as pilot lines and materials research, this advanced profiler enables faster process learing and higher yields. With guaranteed 7.5 (1s) or 0.1% step height repeatability and sub-angstrom resolution, the Alpha-Step IQ
provides excellent repeatability and performance to analyze and monitor processes. This system offers the most complete suite of two-dimensional analysis features for surface topography analysis on a variety of surfaces including wafers, MEMS, ceramics, SIMS craters, microlenses, and displays. With many options available, the Alpha-Step IQ provides flexibility for high vertical
ranges, powerful optics for sample positioning, an integrated report generator, and multiple language support. The system is controlled by a fast and powerful computing platform offering networking and USB communications.