The main removal of polyaluminium chloride is the natural organic matter in the water. The dissolved organic matter is the part of the membrane that can pass through the membrane. There is no uniform representation of organic matter in colloidal states. It can be a large molecule or some molecular substance that passes through the membrane. A great deal of research has been done on the removal of natural organic matter through enhanced coagulation.
聚合氯化铝能降低或消除水中分散微粒的沉淀稳定性和聚合稳定性,使分散微粒凝聚、絮凝成聚集体而除去的物质称为混凝剂,俗称药剂。其中包括凝聚剂、絮凝剂、助凝剂等。 聚合氯化铝是一种无机高分子混凝剂,沉淀速度快,适用PH值范围宽,对于管道无腐蚀性,净水效果非常明显,可有效的去除废水中COD,BOD以及砷,汞等金属离子,在污水处理市场得以广泛应用。向水中投加混凝剂聚合氯化铝后,混和、凝聚、絮凝等这几个作用先后综合进行,整个过程总起来称为混凝,包括颗粒脱稳和颗粒传输两个方面。水中微粒之间尚未直接接触, 微粒之间相距一定距离时达到平衡而形成聚集体,这种聚集 过程称为凝聚。凝聚的聚集结构中,微粒之间存在薄层水膜,间距约10A左右。

对于水处理用聚合氯化铝,为达到较佳使用效果和经济效益,用户可根据不同水质情况,通过实验确定较佳投药量。按产品AL2O3百分比含量稀释至5%左右浓度投加。对于造纸施胶用聚合氯化铝,其用法与硫酸铝一样,用量为硫酸铝的三份之一,按绝干纸计算用量为2%-3%。用于制糖工业脱色澄清时,先将产品配成3-5%的水溶液(按AL2O3含量计算),然后加到需脱色的蔗汁中,用量为5-10PPm 。包装内外袋均为聚丙烯材料的薄膜袋,20公斤/袋。生产原材料较好的的氢氧化铝精制盐酸。
In order to achieve better use effect and economic benefit for water treatment with polymerization of aluminum chloride, the user can determine the better dosage by experiment according to different water quality conditions. The percentage of AL2O3 is diluted to 5% concentration. For paper sizing, the use of polyaluminium chloride is the same as aluminum sulfate, which is used as one of the three parts of aluminum sulfate, and the dosage of the paper is 2%- 3%. When used in the decolorization of sugar industry, the product should be made into 3-5% aqueous solution (calculated according to AL2O3 content) and then added to the sugarcane juice that needs to be decolored. The dosage should be 5-10 PPM. The inside and outside bags are polypropylene film bag, 20kg/bag. Production of good raw materials of aluminum hydroxide refining hydrochloric acid.

销售经理: 刘胜男
Q Q:2473668060
邮 箱:2473668060@qq.com
地 址:中国宁夏石嘴山惠农区红果子镇110国道西侧