潮汐式灌溉方式(欧美称tidal或ebb and flood)是基于潮水涨落现象设计而命名的一种高效节水灌溉方式。该方式利用了育苗穴盘底部的排水孔,在灌溉时使水位没过排水孔,水分自下面上地被基质自然吸入,既保持了叶面干燥,又可防止淋洗式灌溉导致的肥水流失,适用于各类盆器及穴盘栽培植物的种植管理。微环境恒温育苗床通过潮汐式底部补水方式,使根基环境自然达到相宜的含水量,地暖使用发热均匀的电镀膜取代传统电热线作为恒温热源,电热膜的热点转换率要高于点热心,且为面状加热,膜上各点发热量均相同。



Features and advantages of ebb-and flood ben ches
1.Ebb-adn flood roling benches is a kind of mature irrigation tecfnoloy and is widely used in developed countries.It sovied the "solid phase,liquid phses and gaseous phase composition"of the media.Ebb-and-flood rolling benches is a is on hte stage of developing in our country.
2.Water saving,high efficiency and competely closed circulatory system make the utilization rate reaches90%.
3.The plants grow faster,It is 1day ahead of traditional seeding method for age of seeding per week ,which can enhance the facility utilization rate.
4.It can protect the leaf from water film in surface,therefore the leaf can get more
light to have photosynthesis, which can promote the transpiration pull and the root
can absorb more nutrients.
5.Stable media moisture content to avoid the root capillary from iry death because of reaching the con tain er bottom or edge
6.Easy to control the relative humidity to keep the fungus because it is dry under the using of chemicals.
7.Noweeds under the benches to reduce the fungus because it is dry under the benches
8.Low management cost.No matter hand orerating or with help of microcomputer contorol management,a person can finish the irrigation of 0.2 to 0.5 ha flat benches in 20 to 30 minutes
9.It can be used any time and not limited by bariety,specification and time.
10.The normal sprinkling irrigation can not distribute the fertilizer and water equally and lead to the yield declining .However,the ebb-and-flood irritation can make sure the yield 100%, the production reaching standard,every plants with same height and high quality.