我司为磁性材料生产制造厂家。厂房建于中山、东莞、东阳;总部位于中山坦洲第三工业区;主营钕铁硼强磁铁、多极粘结磁环和耐高温和柔性钕铁硼橡胶磁等高端产品;因磁性产品主要为定制产品,具体价格需提供尺寸、材质、数量、镀层及充磁要求;具体请咨询我们的销售工程师黎工18933362644或彭工18933359884 谢谢!
Bonded NdFeB magnets are plastic magnets made of fastened NdFeBmagnetic powder.the molten NdFeB alloy flows to a high-speed rotatingwheel under pressure,and cooled at a cooling rate of up to 106/S,and then the formation of NdFeB boron ribbon,using striped powder to crumble into 200 microparticles,it can get fast quenching magnetic powder.And then afterhomogeneous mixing fast quenching the magnetic powder and binder,by die casting or injection molding made of die-casting magnets and injection molding magnets.Die-casting magnets used in the adhesive for the epoxy resinand injection molding magnets used for nylon.Injection molding magnets density is smaller than Die-cast magnets and its corresponding magnetic properties are also low.
1) 一次成型并可达到精密的尺寸精度;
2) 易于直接加工成薄壁环型、瓦型等形态;
3) 可幅向充磁、多极充磁;
4) 比烧结磁铁更耐腐蚀;
5) 可开发具有更高磁性能的各向异性粘结磁铁;
Characteristics of bonded NdFeB magnets
> One molding and can achieve precision dimensional accruacy;
> Easy to be processed directly into thin-walled ring, tile and other shapes;
> Can be magnetized, multi-polar magnetization;
> It is more resistant to corrosion than sintered magnets;
> An anisotropic bonded magnets with higher magnetic properties can be
定制【粘结钕铁硼磁铁 多极磁环粘结】中山冰姑娘强磁铁生产厂家