我司为磁性材料生产制造厂家。厂房建于中山、东莞、东阳;总部位于中山坦洲第三工业区;主营钕铁硼强磁铁、多极粘结磁环和耐高温和柔性钕铁硼橡胶磁、注塑磁等高端产品;因磁性产品主要为定制产品,具体价格需提供尺寸、材质、数量、镀层及充磁要求;具体请咨询我们的销售工程师黎工18933362644或彭工18933359884 谢谢!
The injection plastic magnet has the injection ferrite manget and the injection NdFeB magnet.We are focuses on injection molding of NdFeB magnets. It must be producted onrespective molds,the mold is made of wear-resistant and pressure resistant tool steel with the verysmooth polished mold cavity.The very complex shape of the magnets can be created by the injection molding mold,and the other corresponding components can be molded together with the magnet that madeinto components. This molding processing makes component production in a simple way.At the same time,the process can also meet the prodcut's strict dimensional tolerances requests.