涡轮增压器保护剂Turbocharger treatment
225ml 与 100ml
产品性能Product performance
This product can prevent unduly wearing of engine parts and turbocharger, thus extend use life of turbocharger. It is finely produced by high efficient agent and anti-wearing additives. Moreover, it contains ceramic self-repairing substance, can prevent undue attrition of rotors and bearings in engines and turbocharger.
Add directly into new lubricating oil by filling port.
Maintaining period and dosage: use this product when changing oil; use one bottle for every use, double dosage for unduly worn vehicles or vehicles with high mileage.

产品特点Product features:
Turbocharger engines work under harsh conditions such as high rotating speed, high temperature, being not easily to lubricate, and high speed running after starting brings about attrition between parts in engines and turbocharger and even breakdown. This product is designed for working condition such as high speed and high temperature for turbocharger, and can protect engines and turbocharger by forming a protective ceramic layer on metal parts, and can prevent and repair attrition by bad lubricating, can also cleanse whole lubricating system, and suspending wear particle, and can restrain forming of greasy filth.
Recommend using this product when changing lubricating oil to achieve best effect; It is compatible with various oils; It does not contain any acidic substance, acetone or other solvents; It is harmless to any non-metal materials, sensors and three way catalytic converters; Avoid being ingested, avoid direct contact with skins. If accidently into eyes, please wash with plenty water and see a doctor.