英国SOLO 725-001 烟感探测器 点击查看
英国SOLO 725-001 烟感探测器 点击查看
Key aspects of good maintenance The following summary gives an indication of the key issues required to ensure good maintenance occurs: 1. Ensure that the maintaining company is a professional fire detection company. Membership of the BFPSA is an indication that the company is a recognised fire company and will have, or be working on, third party certification. 2. Ensure that the maintenance technician has experience, preferably validated in the sort of system installed, and has relevant training. This would usually be by both the manufacturer and a ‘Code of Practice’ trainer such as the BFPSA. 3. Ensure that the maintenance technician is properly equipped with recognised and professional test equipment, approved for the job and has access to spares 4. Ensure that a contract is in place to provide at least two inspections a year and to provide a 24hr call out facility for use in event of a breakdown. 5. Ensure that drawings, specifications and O & M manuals are available to provide crucial knowledge of where all devices are installed. 6. Keep accurate and comprehensive records in the log book of all alarm, fault, maintenance and modification activities. 7. Make sure that, in addition to the scheduled maintenance visits, weekly tests are carried out and recorded as required. This keeps the building users aware of the system and will often highlight any developing problems. 8. Advise all building users of any maintenance or test activities in advance, using several different methods of communication such as notices, e-mails, voice announcements etc. 9. Arrange for other trades to attend whenever interfaces to other equipment require testing for correct operation.
英国SOLO 725-001 烟感探测器 点击查看
Conclusion New legislation and a changing approach to managing risk is bringing sharply into focus the need for competent, quality maintenance of all fire detection, alarm and suppression systems. The User/Responsible person needs to know that his protection systems are optimised and prepared for action and may be required to prove that to be the case. This requires a good working partnership between the User and the maintaining company, and requires good, not cheap, maintenance.
英国SOLO 725-001 烟感探测器 点击查看
“The forthcoming Regulatory Reform Order makes the responsibilities clear – the choice is between good maintenance and criminal negligence.”
IT IS THE DUTY OF THE ‘RESPONSIBLE PERSON’ to ensure the highest possible quality of maintenance (inspection, servicing and repair) to maintain the efficient and reliable operation of a fire alarm system, while avoiding false alarms. To achieve this requires a close and effective relationship between him or her and the occupants and users of the premises on the one hand, and with the ‘competent person’ on the other.
英国SOLO 725-001 烟感探测器 点击查看