英国SOLO 812-001 烟感探测工具 优质商家
英国SOLO 812-001 烟感探测工具 优质商家
Extending this theme many national standards now refer not only to the need to check the device but also the need to avoid danger or other damage to – or from – the environment in which the detector is installed. This is encapsulated by the UK’s BS 5839:
扩展这一主题,许多国家标准现在不仅涉及到检查设备的需要,而且还涉及到避免对安装探测器的环境造成危险或其他损害的需要。这是由英国的BS 5839封装的:
Every heat detector should be func- tionally tested by means of a suit-able heat source . . . the heat source should not have the potential to ignite a fire; live flame should not be used, and special equipment might be neces- sary in explosive atmospheres.
英国 SOLO C3-001 探测气体
英国 SOLO A7-001 探测气体
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英国 SOLO 424-001 热探测器测试器
英国 SOLO 425-001 热探测器测试器
英国 SOLO 610-001 烟感探测工具
英国 SOLO 810-001 烟感探测工具
英国 SOLO 808-001 烟感探测工具
英国 SOLO 809-001 烟感探测工具
英国 SOLO 811-001 烟感探测工具
英国 SOLO 812-001 烟感探测工具
英国 SOLO 814-001 烟感探测工具
英国 SOLO 822-001 烟感探测工具
英国 SOLO 823-001 烟感探测工具
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英国 SOLO 330-001 烟感探测工具
The French and British are of one mind and France’s R7 states that devices producing live flames, such as lighters, are prohibited: “sont exclus ici les generateurs a flamme vive tels que les briquets”
法国和英国是一心一意的,法国的R7声明禁止使用能产生火焰的装置,如打火机:“SONT EXCLUS ICI LES Generateurs a flamme vive tels que les briquets”
The theme of avoiding damage is also explicitly recognised for other detectors. Smoke detectors, for example, might react to various stimuli but setting them off properly with a genuine physical functional check is only part of the art. Avoiding damage to them (with less than the best detector testers for exam- ple!) is another. Again, this is picked up by the British Standard:“Point smoke detectors should be functionally tested by a method that confirms smoke can enter the detec- tor chamber and produce a fire alarm signal (e.g.: by use of apparatus that generates simulated smoke or suit- able aerosols around the detector). It should be ensured that the material used does not cause damage to, or affect the subsequent performance of the detector . . .”英国SOLO 812-001 烟感探测工具 优质商家
In fact BS 5839, having recently been reviewed (the last update was December 2004) is refreshingly clear in many areas. It encapsulates the various possibilities for problems when it talks of the need for proper testing of CO fire detectors.
“Carbon monoxide fire detectors should be functionally tested by a method that confirms that carbon monoxide can enter the detector chamber and produce a fire alarm signal (e.g. by use of apparatus that generates carbon monoxide or a gas that has a similar effect on the elec- tro-chemical cell as carbon monoxide). WARNING: Carbon monoxide is a highly toxic gas and suitable precau- tions should be taken in its use”.
英国SOLO 812-001 烟感探测工具 优质商家