美国OFI滚子炉老化罐175-50 OFITE型老化室供应
OFITE老化电池有260 mL和500 mL大小,使用Viton和Teflon o型密封件。老化电池通常由不锈钢制造(303级或316级),用于高温测试(高达500°F/260°C)。
容量:500 mL
蕞大压力:2000 PSI(13.8 MPa)
#175-47:体外细胞O形环,Viton? 90
#175-30-H:C-276 Hastelloy(要求定价和可用性)
Carefully inspect the o-ring for defects and place it in the groove in the cell body. Replace the o-ring if it is hard or has cuts and nicks. Blow air through the valve stem to make sure it is not plugged.Determine a safe volume and safe initial pressure for the temperature at which the sample will be tested (refer to the chart on page 5). Place the correct volume of fluid into the cell. Be careful not to get fluid in the o-ring groove or on the o-ring.Clean any spilled fluid from the edge of the cell and place the inner cap on top of the cell body o-ring so that it seats in place. Hand tighten the outer cap in place. Using the Allen wrench, tighten the set screws in the outer cap. Insert the valve stem with the o-rings in place into the inner cap and tighten completely. Loosen the valve stem approximately one half turn before pressurizing.
82839536 比重计 OFI 115-00
83107124 加热套 Fann 206966
82651450 500ml高温高压失水仪样品杯 Fann 209570
82651457 175ml高温高压失水仪样品杯 Fann 209569
83107123 175ml高温高压失水仪加热套 Fann 209506
83107123 500ml高温高压失水仪加热套 Fann 209541
81972339 滚子炉老化罐 OFI 175-50
81490030 老化罐杯体内聚四氟O型圈 OFI 175-09-1
81490030老化罐杯体外部O型圈 OFI 175-46
81972341 直径3/8英寸固定螺钉 OFI 175-14
81972340 阀杆 OFI 175-16
When the desired pressure is reached, close the valve stem by tightening it with a wrench. To ensure there are no leaks, immerse the cell in water and check for any bubbles coming from the valve stem or cell cap.Place the Aging Cell inside the oven and adjust to the desired tempera- ture.After the desired aging time has elapsed, remove the cell from the oven and allow it to air cool until the sample temperature is 300°F (149°C) or less. The cell may then be either air or water cooled.
The sample temperature must be equal to the ambient temperature before you release the pressure and open the cell.Loosen the set screws, unscrew the outer cap, and remove the inner cap.Clean out the valve stem with water. Blow air through the stem to remove any residual water.Observe the aged fluid and record the condition as “fluid”, “gelled”, “plas- tic”, “hard”, etc. You may also want to test for viscosity, shear or gel strength, or filtration control.Thoroughly clean the entire cell with soap and water.
Regular maintenance will extend the useful life of the aging cells.After every test: 1. Thoroughly clean and dry all components inc the cell body, inner cap, outer cap, valve stem, and o-rings. 2. Inspect all o-rings for damage or wear. Discard any that are nicked, cracked, or distorted from their original shape. Replace them with new o-rings. 3. Apply grease to the threads on the outer cap and cell body. Every three years (yearly for highly corrosive conditions): 1. Sand blast the metal components (cell body, inner cap, outer cap). 2. Visually inspect the cell body and inner cap for pitting or other signs of corrosion. If any material loss is present, replace the damaged com- ponent. 3. Inspect the threads on the outer cap and cell body for burrs. 4. Replace all o-rings and apply grease to the threads on the outer cap and cell body. 5. Pressure test with water up to 4,000 psi. OFITE offers aging cell recertification that includes all of the above plus a one-year certificate. Contact your sales representative for more information.美国OFI滚子炉老化罐175-50OFITE型老化室供应
定期维护可延长老化电池的使用寿命。每次测试后:1。彻底清洁和干燥所有部件,包括单元体、内盖、外盖、阀杆和O形圈。2。检查所有O形圈是否损坏或磨损。丢弃任何从原始形状上刻痕、裂纹或变形的物体。更换新的O形圈。三。在外盖和单元体的螺纹上涂抹润滑脂。每三年一次(高度腐蚀条件下每年一次):1.对金属部件(电池体、内盖、外盖)进行喷砂处理。2。目视检查电池体和内盖是否有点蚀或其他腐蚀迹象。如果存在任何材料损失,更换损坏的部件。三。检查外盖和电池体上的螺纹是否有毛刺。4。更换所有O形圈,并在外盖和单元体的螺纹上涂抹润滑脂。5。水压试验,蕞高4000 psi。OFITE提供老化细胞再认证,包括上述所有认证和一年的证书。有关更多信息,请与您的销售代表联系。