the new multi unit retort combines five 50 ml retorts into a single unit.each retort has its own electronic temperature controller and an ergonomic stand for holding the receiver tube (also known as jp tube).this compact design not only fits under a fume hood, but it also saves valuable and scarce bench space.excessive torque and drag is a common problem in the drill string.it can cause a variety of problems that negatively impact well efficiency.the primary cause of often mechanical friction between the wellbore and tubulars.the solution is usually to add lubricants to the drilling fluid.prior to choosing any lubricant, it is important to evaluate all available options to see which one lubricates the best and has the best chemical compatibility with the drilling fluid.the most direct test method involves determining the coefficient of friction of the base fluid and comparing it to the coefficient of friction with the lubricant.
ofite老化电池有260 ml和500 ml大小,使用viton和 o型密封件。老化电池通常采用不锈钢(303级或316级),用于高温测试(高达500°f/260°c)。
容量:260 ml
最大压力:2000 psi(13.8 mpa)
#175-47:o形环用于老化细胞外,viton 90
175-25:260 ml,303不锈钢
175-25-03:260 ml,316不锈钢
175-25-h:260 ml,c-276 hastelloy
the mudchecker, fromsalunda ltd., is quickly becoming one of the most talked-about instruments in the drilling fluids industry.this handheld, solid-state device provides oil, water, total solids, and salinity measurements in a simple, two-step process.it also measures high-gravity and low-gravity solids with no chemicals and no heating elements.the results are accurate, repeatable, electronic, and traceable.the latest release of the mudchecker, version 1.5, now offers standalone operation.all calculations are now performed on onboard, with no software and no internet connection required.this exciting new feature makes it easier for remote technicians and rig personnel to take measurements in areas where the internet is not accessible.
来自salunda ltd.的mudchecker正迅速成为钻井液行业蕞受关注的仪器之一。这个手持式的固态设备在一个简单的两步过程中提供了油、水、总固体和盐度的测量。它还可以测量没有化学物质和加热元件的高重力和低重力固体。结果准确、可重复、电子化、可追溯。蕞新版本的mudchecker 1.5现在提供独立操作。所有的计算现在都在船上进行,不需要软件和互联网连接。这一令人兴奋的新功能使远程技术人员和钻井人员更容易在互联网无法访问的地区进行测量。
everyone in the drilling fluids industry is familiar with theoilfield retort.it measures the volume of oil, water, and solids in a sample of drilling mud.they come in three sizes – 10 ml, 20 ml, and 50 ml – and are often included in field portable kits.typically, the retorts included in kits are the smallest size, 10 ml.but ofite has changed that.we have developed a 20 ml retort chamber that fits into the same heating jacket as the 10 ml retort chamber.this gives you a choice of sample volumes in your field kits.and since it fits in the same heating jacket, you can easily switch sizes by changing the chambers and cups.
in chemistry, ph is a measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions in an aqueous solution.ph is measured on a scale from 0 to 14.a ph of less than 7 indicates an acidic solution, while solutions above 7 are considered alkaline.a ph of 7 is neutral, as in the case of pure water.ph analysis is fundamental to drilling fluid control.the ph of the fluid affects clay dispersion and the solubility and effectiveness of chemical additives.a change in ph while drilling often indicates contamination by substances such as cement, gypsum, or carbon dioxide.effective corrosion control and treatment depends upon the proper ph adjustment.
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