R Emulsifying Machine JR型固定式均质乳化机为传统配置形式,采用底部出料。主锅真空度-0.08Mpa,上部框式刮壁搅拌转速7~60rpm变频调速;底部均质器转速有1400/2800rpm二档,是生产中高档膏类、蜜类产品的理想设备。JR fixed model has conventional configurations and is designed to discharge material at the bottom. Main vessel has a vacuum pressure of -0.08Mpa, upper frame wall-scraping mixing speed is 7~60rpm with frequency control. The bottom homogenizer’s revolution speed has 1400 rpm and 2800 rpm two gears. Hence, it remains the preferred equipment for manufacture of medium-& low-grade ointment and honey products. JRX型小型均质乳化机JR Compact Emulsifying Machine JRX小型真空均质乳化机适用各种膏类、蜜类产品的小、中式或打板,是化妆品、药品生产企业实验室内不可缺少的实验工具。设备功能齐全,质量可靠,有液压升降和电动升降二种型式供用户选用。JRX compact model is suitable for small & medium-type or templet-making of perse ointment and honey products, and is a necessary instrument for the laboratory for production of cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. This machine is fully operational and has sound quality, available with hydraulic lifting type and electrical lifting type at choice. 标准型不配水油锅,也可按用户要求另配移动式水油锅。Standard type is not provided with water and oil vessels, but could be separately equipped with moveable vessel upon