JRK型均质乳化机JRK Emulsifying Machine JRK型可倾式均质乳化机是在JR型固定式乳化机的基础上研制开发的,能提升锅盖,倾倒锅体出料,清洗方便。JRK tiltable model is developed on the basis of JR fixed emulsifying machine and can lift the cover and tilt the vessel to discharge, featuring easy washing. 主锅真空度-0.08Mpa,上部框式刮壁搅拌转速7~60rpm变频调速;底部均质器转速1400/2800rpm二档,是生产中高档膏类、蜜类产品的理想设备。Main vessel has a vacuum pressure of -0.08Mpa, upper frame wall-scraping mixing speed is 7~60rpm with frequency control. The bottom homogenizer’s revolution speed has 1400 rpm and 2800 rpm two gears. It proves to be the preferred device for manufacture of medium-& high-grade ointment and honey products.