Heraeus 是德国一家有150年历史的高科技贵金属及特种材料生产商...
在欧美市场首居第一位的德国 Heraeuse SMT 贴片胶,拥有 FUJI、CAMALOT、PANA 等
品牌点胶机及 SIMENS、PHILIPS、SONY 等厂的论证; 认可与信赖;有优异的印刷及点胶性能:
PD943 适用于移针点胶应用
PD944 适用于印刷和点胶应用
PD945 湿润状态黏度高/用于钢网印刷
PD955M/PD966M 适用于印刷或高速点胶应用
PD955PY/PR 适用于金属或塑胶模版印刷
PD977 适用于低温固化应用
Heraeuse 贴片胶拥有以下特点:
1. 非常好的固化粘附力,可以适应多种不同的封装材料的元器件;
2. 掉料率低,可以减低坏机率及修复的人力,物力,降低成本的同时提高无形得益;
3. 不吸潮,留网时间长,有独特的钢网印刷效果;
4. 高速点胶无拖尾现象,胶点形状好;
5. 特别适应欧美大厂及高可靠性产品的品质,安全,环保要求;论证资料全面;
6. 批量及批量之间,质量稳定;穩定性能持久。
Whenever you seek materials expertise, Heraeus, as it has done for decades, stands as your guide and partner. The precious metals and technology group headquartered in Hanau, Germany, is a global, private company active in the businesses of precious metals, dental health, sensors, quartz glass and specialty lighting sources. With revenues exceeding EUR 12 billion and more than 11,000 employees in more than 100 companies worldwide, Heraeus has stood out for over 155 years as a globally recognized precious metals and materials specialist.
Heraeus supplies a great variety of materials and components of precious metals and other materials, which meet the high requirements of the electronics industry. Your business will benefit in different ways:
Wide range of products – solder pastes, ultra fine solder powders, spheres, adhesives, fluxes etc.
Processing flexibility – the products are optimized for various manufacturing techniques like printing, dispensing and dipping, for reflow ovens with convection, vapour phase, heat plate systems etc.
Compliance with RoHS regulations – our lead free and cadmium-free products enable you to fully comply with RoHS regulations. Our continuous new
product development ensures compliance with evolving environmental regulations.
Cost effective solutions – for every assembly situation in every location, Heraeus offers theright, inpidualized and comprehensive solution to your assembly requirements.
Technical support worldwide – well equipped laboratories and technical specialists enable us to optimize your processes and improve yields.
~~Product Overview
*Solder Pastes Component Assembly
~~Solder Spheres
~~SMT Adhesives
~~Non Conductive Adhesives
~~Conductive Adhesives
~~Heat Conductive Adhesives
~~Research and Development
~~Application Technology