PD 966 M
Polymer-SMT - Adhesive
Thermosetting Polymer - SMT - Adhesive for High-Speed Dispensing
Descripion Curing
PD966M is a thermosetting single-component,solvent-free The standard curing conditions are : 125℃(257°F) / 3′.
polymer adhesive, developed for the surface mounting of Max. curing temperature should not be higher than 200℃.
SMT components on to PCBs and bare substrates. The minimum curing times are shown in the following list.
Based on the reliable SMT adhesive PD955M, this
material. Has been optimised to avoid stringing. 125℃(257°F) 150℃(302°F) 180℃(355°F)
The rheology is especially adapted for high-speed 3′ 1.5′ 1′
dispensing. It allows for very low Z-Height-returns-the
height above the board that the dispense head will retract * Optimal curing conditions depend on the curing oven.
to upon completion of the dispense cycle.
Special advantages
Before curing:
very wide processing window, no tendency to string.
developed for high-speed dispensing. Special for The uncured adhesive can be removed with Zestron HC and
overhead pressure systems. other Zestron and Vigon cleaning materials - see separate
Dispensing with very low Z-Height-return possible. application recommendations.
Form stable glue dots. The cleaned parts must be completely dry before installing
Excellent adhesion with standard and also with them in the machine.
difficult-to-glue components.
Low humidity absorption. After curing:
Very high surtace insulation resistance(SIR).
Because of the known residual thermoplasticity of the cured
Physical characteristics adhesive, defective components can be easily replaced by
heating (with hot air) the cured adhesive joint above 100℃.
Colour: pale red After removing the component (torsion movement), the hot
Homogeneity: no particles >50μm air should be focused on the remaining adhesive in order to
remove it with a sharp tool.
Adhesion: ≥25N/mm2 at room temperature,
The adhesives PD966M can be filled in various machine
The adhesive is suitable for machine and manual specified syringes.
Storage time:
6 months in a refrigerator,at a storage temperature of
Storage in a refrigerator is recommended.
Remark: Storage at temperatures>30℃ should be avoided.