CBG60 Ultra-Thin Steel Structure-Purpose Fireproof Coating CBG60超薄型钢结构防火涂料是本公司最近开发的新产品,该产品具有涂层薄、无毒、无污染、防火性能优良、装饰效果佳等特点。涂层厚度为2mm,耐火极限在2h以上。防火性能及理化性能处于全国领先水平。超薄型钢结构防火涂料分室内和室外两种。并配有相应的罩面漆,可以根据客户要求进行调色,大大地提高了耐候性,并延长了使用寿命。它在钢结构(如钢梁、柱、球型架结等)的防火保护上。
CBG60 ultra-thin steel structure-purpose fireproof coating recently developed by this company is characterized by the thin coat, non-toxicity, non-contamination, excellent fire-resistance and optimal decorative effects. The ultra-thin steel structure-purpose fireproof coating is pided into the indoor purpose coating and the outdoors purpose coating and they all have a coat thickness 2mm and a fore-resisting limit above 1 hour. It is increasingly used in fireproof for steel structures (steel beam, column and large hall) and will have great development potential.主要技术性能Main technical performances项目
Item 单位 技术性能指标Technical specification Unit室内
Indoors type在溶器中的状态
State in container均匀、细腻、无结决
Homogenous, fine, no coagulation干燥时间(表干)
Drying time(dust-free time) h≤4初期干燥抗裂性
Initial dry cracking-resistance 不应出现裂纹
No crack shall occur粘结强度
Bonding strength, MPa≥0.20耐水性
Water resistance, h≥24涂层应无起层、发泡、脱落现象
≥24 No delamination, blistering or swelling shall occur耐冷热循环性
Cold-heat cycling resistance 次 cycles≥15耐冻融循环性,
Freezing-thaw cycling resistance 次 cycles/耐火性能
Coat thickness mm0.8 2 2 2耐火极限Fire resistanceh(以I36b或I40b标准工字钢梁作基材)>1.0 >2 >2 >2