Finishing Type Fireproof Coatingl饰面型防火涂料是一种集装饰和防火为一体的新型涂料,平时起优良装饰作用,一旦遇火灾,涂层膨胀发泡形成致密蜂窝煤层,起到隔热防火作用,从而达到保护可燃基材的目的。同时,该涂料属于环保型涂料,无毒、无污染、便于施工,并具有优良的耐火性、耐候性。外观平整同意,装饰效果突出,可随意按客户要求调配颜色,该产品适用于室内木质结构、装饰板、塑料等可燃基材的防火保护。Decorative Fireproof Paint is a nenwly developed product that combines decorative and fireproof properties. It provides good decorative performance at ordinary times. When meeting with fire, the paint coat will dilate and foam a compact honeycomb-like layer to isolate heat and fire to protect the flammable substrates form damge. The paint is a kind of environmental friendly, nonpoisonous and no pollution product with perfect water resistance and weatherproof properties. It has good decoration effect and can be mixed to various colors according to the requirements of customers. The product is suitable for fireproofing of flammable substrates such as indoor wooden structures, decoration boards and plastics. 主要技术性能 Main technical performances项目
Unit技术性能指标 Technical specification在容器中的状态State in container/经充分搅拌后呈均与状态,无结块 Homogenous, fine, nocoagulation细度
Drying timeh表干≤5 实干≤24Dust-free time≤5,hard drying time≤24附着力
Adhesive force级≤3耐冲击性Densitycm ≥20耐水性Compressive strengthh经24h试验,不起皱,不剥落,气泡在标准状态下24h能基本恢复,允许轻微失光和变色After soaking for 24dats, the coating film shall have no creass, peeling off or blistering and be able to basicaly recover after 24hours under normal environment. However, a slight delustering is allowable耐燃时间Initial setting timemin≥15火焰传播比值Flame spread ratio/≤25质量损失Quality losing rateg≤5.0炭化体积Carbonization volumecm3≤25