该产品采用过氯乙烯和氯化橡胶为基料,添加阻燃剂、增塑剂等助剂,经研磨,混合而成。它受火膨胀形成致密的耐火炭层,涂膜具有一定的柔韧性,抗弯性、耐水、耐油性能和其他物理性能优良,总很性能处于国内领先水平。该涂料可广泛用于橡胶、聚乙烯、聚氯乙烯等各种电缆的防火保护。主要技术性能Main technical performances项目
Unit技术性能指标Technical specification外观
White,homogenous viscous liquid without coagulation粘度
Bonding strengthS≥0.15±×103干燥时间
Vibration resistanceh表干≤5 实干≤24Dust-free≤5,hard drying time≤24耐油性Oil resistanced浸泡7d,涂层无起皱、无剥落,气泡在标准环境条件下,24小时基本恢复,允许轻微变色After soaking for 7days, the coating film shall have no crease, peeling off or blistering and be able to basicaly recover after 24 hours under normal environment. However, a slight delustering is allowable耐盐腐蚀性
Waterresistanced浸泡3d,涂层无起皱、无剥落,气泡在标准环境条件下,24小时基本恢复,允许轻微失光After soaking for 3days, the coating film shall have no crease, peeling off or blistering and be able to basicaly recover after 24 hours under normal environment. However, a slight delustering is allowable耐湿热性
Freezing-thaw cycling resistanced浸泡7d,涂层无气泡、无脱落、允许轻微失光After 7daystest, no peeling off or blisterring shall occur on the coat film. However, a slight delustering is allowable耐冷热循环性
Fire-resistance, 5.5mm thic/经过15次循环,涂层无气泡、无脱落、允许出现2条以下裂纹After 15cycles,no peeling off or blisterring shall occur on the coat film. However,atmost 2cracks are allowable.细度Finenessμm≥70阻燃性(炭化高度)Resistancem炭化高度≤2.5Charred height≤2.5抗弯性
Resistance to oxidation/涂层不起层,不脱落,允许出现5条以下的裂纹The coating is not slip cracked, broken off, crack below 8 piece is available