供应超纯氢气纯化设备 Entegris氖气纯化器 Mykrolis氩气纯化器
- Removes gaseous contaminants such as H2O, CO, CO2, O2and nonmethane hydrocarbons to sub-ppb levels in hydrogen gas
- Self-regenerating purifiers provide the lowest cost of ownership and eliminates environmental concerns
- Complete automatic operation saves time, increases reliability
- System runs at ambient temperature and is field retrofittable into existing lines with low pressure drop
- Removes contaminants to sub-ppb (part-per-billion) and ppt (part-per-trillion) levels
- Improves system safety by locating all purifiers in one cabinet, with multiple safety controls
- Systems rated for up to 120 SLM, 300 SLM or 1000 SLM pure gas flow