咨询:132 8888 6198 吴生固话:0769-82101757传真:0769-82101857邮箱:13288886198@163.com公司坚持“唯有诚信,才能立足” 的经营理念!赢创德固赛PA12 Vestamid L-GF30 相关型号介绍:

The concentration of amide groups is the
lowest in PA 12 compared to any other
commercially available polyamide, and this
determines the specific properties of PA 12.
Hence, PA 12 is distinguished for its properties
as follows:
the lowest water absorption of all commercially available polyamides, resulting in
properties which vary little with changing
humidity and in moldings with virtually
unchanged dimensions
exceptional impact and notched impact
strengths, in both dry as molded state
and at temperatures well below the
freezing point
good to excellent resistance against
greases, oils, fuels, hydraulic fluids,
various solvents, salt solutions and etc.
exceptional resistance to stress cracking,
including metal parts encapsulated by
injection molding or embedded
exceptional abrasion resistance
low coefficient of sliding friction, in dry
running against steel, polybutylene
terephthalate, polyacetal, and other
noise and vibration damping properties
superb fatigue resistance under high
frequency cyclical loading condition
high processability
The properties of PA 12 compounds can be
modified to suit the requirements of many
applications by incorporating various additives
such as stabilizers, plasticizers, reinforcements,
and fillers.
Many of the PA 12 compounds are suitable
especially for the injection molding of
precision parts; others have been developed
specifically for the extrusion process.
Like all high-performance plastics by the High
Performance Polymers Business Unit,VESTAMID
compounds satisfy the highest quality
standards. Our quality assurance system is
certified according to ISO 9001 and QS 9000.
Throughout the years, numerous customers
have conducted quality assessments and
concluded that the Quality Management
System is highly recommendable.


毫无疑问,VESTAMID®是这些材料最为重要的一员,而汽车行业则是聚酰胺材料最重要的客户。由VESTAMID® L制成的油管就是开创这一应用领域的佼佼者。今天,赢创生产的VESTAMID®材料是汽车管路系统中应用最为广泛的聚酰胺12材料。而且我们的发展从未止步。
非填充级简介; 非填充级PA12复合物,较完整的体现了尼龙12本身的性能,但此类复合物中也含有一些光、热稳定剂,以及一些润滑改性的助剂,这样有利于加工。