咨询:132 8888 6198 吴生固话:0769-82101757传真:0769-82101857邮箱:13288886198@163.com公司坚持“唯有诚信,才能立足” 的经营理念!PA12正品赢创Vestamid X7380 sw 相关型号介绍:
The PA 12 compounds by High Performance
Polymers cover a wide variety of products
designed to meet different requirements from
processors and end-users.The following tables
give a characterization of the most important
resins together with their typical applications.
Detailed technical information is given in the
comparative property tables in Section 2 for
most compounds. Specific data sheets for the
other compounds can be requested from the
Technical Marketing Department of High
Performance Polymers.
要减轻汽车重量,又不影响车的安全性和舒适性,一种办法就是尽量将金属部件替换掉。为此,赢创公司除高温聚合物VESTAKEEP® PEEK外,又推出了一种半晶质、高温稳定性材料VESTAMID® HTplus (PPA),该材料专为替代传统应用领域的金属而研制,可用于附加引擎部件以及塑料-橡胶复合物中。为了实现这种专利性替代技术,赢创公司还专门开发了一些VESTAMID® D模塑料。
实践表明:VESTAMID® HTplus适用于严酷竞赛条件下的引擎附近部件。目前,VESTAMID® HTplus增压空气管已用于Lotus Exige莲花跑车,其重量仅为金属空气管的一半,而且由于内壁极为光滑,气流和引擎性能大为改善。在增压引擎的增压空气管中,温度可达170°C(具体温度取决于引擎状态)。
反光灯座对LED灯的质量有很大影响。由VESTAMID® HTplus PA10T材料制成的灯座可长期保持纯白色,因此具有很高的反射率,从而始终保持很高的发光量。
Vestamid X7166 Nylon 12 Evonik Degussa AG
Vestamid X7166 nf Nylon 12 Elast Evonik Degussa AG
Vestamid X7167 Nylon 12 Evonik Degussa AG
Vestamid X7167 nf Nylon 12 Elast Evonik Degussa AG
Vestamid X7229 Nylon 12 Evonik Degussa AG
Vestamid X7229 nf Nylon 12 Evonik Degussa AG
Vestamid X7293 Nylon 12 Evonik Degussa AG
Vestamid X7293 nf Nylon 12 Elast Evonik Degussa AG
Vestamid X7293 sw Nylon 12 Elast Evonik Degussa AG
Vestamid X7344 Nylon 12 Evonik Degussa AG