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正品PA12 ASHLENE TD930H相关型号介绍:
Ashlene nylons 6 and 66 - Used in critical auto applications and in hardware, plumbing, appliance and industrial components, providing toughness and strength. Toughened nylons - In nylon 6 and nylon 66 grades, offer the utmost in durability for industrial power-tool housings, safety lens frames or bicycle wheels, just for starters. Reinforced nylons - Whether glass reinforced for stiffness retention or mineral reinforced for very low warpage applications, for automotive, construction, appliance, and computer components. Specialty nylons - Include nylon 612, for molded precision instruments, and nylon 12, offering high-end performance, as well as rotomolding grades and copolymers. Economy nylons - Carefully compounded to retain critical performance properties at substantial cost savings.
NYLON 12, For Injection Molding |
B925L | General Purpose | Unplasticized and lubricated general purpose grade, low viscosity for application requiring low melt flow. |
B925LH | General Purpose | Lubricated & UV Stabilized. |
TB925L | Impact Modified | For bearings and bushings. |
B926L | Plasticized | For increased flexibility. |
B930L | Plasticized | Highly plasticized for flexible parts.
B930LH | Plasticized | Highly plasticized with UV and heat stabilizer. |
925MS | Wear Resistant | Molybdenum disulfide filled for exceptional wear resistance. |
PA12的主要应用:(1)汽车工业 汽车工业为PA的第一大市场,主要用于发动机部件、电气配件、车体部件及输油件等。具体产品有:输油管、空调管、喷油嘴、油箱、燃料过滤器、储油槽、罐、齿轮、车轮盖及汽车外饰板等。 (2)机械工业 可广泛制造齿轮、蜗轮、垫片、螺栓、螺母、轴承等。 (3)电子/电器 主要用于民用电器如电饭锅、吸尘器、微波炉等的开关、接线板、电阻器等。 (4)包装材料 PA的气体阻隔性好,常与HDPE共混、共挤和复合,用于熟肉、火腿等食品的冷冻、真空包装。 (5)日用品 PA为第一代拉链材料,目前仍大量使用。此外,PA还可用于一次性打火机壳体、碱性干电池衬垫、头盔、办公设备外壳等。 (6)体育用品 主要有滑雪板、球拍线、球拍框、冲浪板、溜冰鞋、钓鱼杆及钓鱼线等。 (7)医疗器械 可用于输血管、止血钳、输液器、手术缝合线、假发等