一、YO-KBO控制保护开关产品概述 : CPS(KBO)系列产品将断路器、接触器、过载继电器、隔离开关等分离元器件的主要功能集成化,并能够综合多种信号, 实现控制与保护特性在产品内部自配合。具有体积小、短路分断性能指标高、机电寿命长和运行可靠性高、使用安全方便、节能节材等优点,主要性能指标达到当前国际领先水平。
a. 具有分断能力高、飞弧距离短的特性
CPS(KB0)在380V额定运行短路分断能力Ics (o-co-co) 达到高分断型为80kA、标准型为50kA、经济型为35kA, 在50kA 预期短路电流下的分断时间仅为2~3ms, 限流系数达到0.2以下,达到塑壳断路器的领先水平,达到熔断器的限流水平,大大限制了短路电流对系统的动、热冲击。CPS(IKBO)飞弧距离仅为20~30mm。
b. 与塑壳断路器构成的保护系统相比,具有保护整定电流均可调整的特性
a. 具有控制与保护自配合的特性
CPS(KB0)系列控制与保护开关电器集控制与保护功能于一体,相当于断路器(熔断器)+接触器+过载继电器+辅助电器。很好的解决了分离元件不能或很难解决的元件之间的保护与控制特性匹配问题,使保护与控制特性配合更完善合理( 具有反时限、定时限和瞬时三段保护特性),只要根据负载功率或电流即可正确选择单一产品,代替以往的包括自电源进线端至负载端的各种电器,不需降容;大大减轻了设计人 员的工作量。
b. 具有无可比拟的运行可靠性和系统的连续运行性能
CPS(KB0) 在分断短路电流后无需维护即可投入使用,即具有分断短路故障后的连续运行性能:CPS(IKB0) 在进行了分断短路电流试验后,仍具有不小于1500次的AC-44电寿命,这是由断路器等分离元件构成的系统所难以达到的,CPS(IKB0)的这一特性极大地提高了系统的运行可靠性和系统的连续运行性,其中的Ics为80kA指标属同类产品的国际领先、国内最高指标。
c. 节能节材www.yoybdq.com
CPSN (KB0N) reversible type control and protection switch: The CPS (KB0) as the main switch, and the mechanical interlock and electrical interlock accessories, a reversible control and protective switching devices (KB0N CPSN), reversible applicable to motor or bidirectional control and protection.
The main circuit parameters and accessory module with the basic type
A summary of YO-KBO control, protection switching products: www.shyosdy.com
CPS (KBO) series of products will be mainly functional circuit breakers, contactors, overload relays, isolating switch separation element integration, and can integrate a variety of signal, realize the self control and protection in the product characteristics. Has the advantages of small volume, short circuit breaking high performance index, electromechanical long life and high reliability, safe and convenient use, energy saving and other advantages, the main performance indicators have reached the international advanced level.
Compared to two, and the moulded case circuit breaker
A. has the characteristics of high breaking capacity, arcing distance is short
CPS (KB0) in 380V rated service short-circuit breaking capacity of Ics (o Co-Co) to achieve high breaking type 80kA, type 50kA, standard economic type is 35kA, 50kA is expected in the short circuit current under the breaking time is only 2 ~ 3MS, current limiting factor is less than 0.2, leading to the moulded case circuit breaker, to fuse the limiting level, greatly limiting the short-circuit current of system dynamic, thermal shock. CPS (IKBO) arcing distance is only 20 ~ 30mm.www.shrmhz.com
Compared with the protection system of B. and moulded case circuit breaker which has protective properties, setting current can be adjusted www.shrmyb.com
CPS (KBO) of the current can be adjusted in the panel, which in addition to the protection current conventional according to load power setting, over current protection setting current and adjusted in the adjusted current value (distribution load adjustment range is 3 ~ 6Ie, the motor load adjustment range is 6 ~ 14Ie). To overcome the short circuit breaker protection setting current factory after the user can not adjust the shortcomings, such that CPS (KB0) products even installed at the end of the line, is small short circuit current, also has the short circuit protection function is very good.www.kawa10.com
Compared with the contactor performance has the characteristics of long service life, convenient operation
Manual operation, and can realize remote control function. The contact and electromagnetic system advanced separation type design, effectively inhibit the two spring contacts, greatly improving the electrical life of the product, and is especially suitable for heavy load starting and other harsh occasions.
Three, product advantagewww.shyohz.com
Compared with the system structure and separation apparatus
A. has the characteristics of control and protection from the
CPS (KB0) series of control and protective switching control and protection functions in one, the equivalent circuit breaker (fuse) + + + auxiliary electrical overload relay contactor. The matching problem between protection and control characteristics of a good solution to the separation element cannot or difficult to solve element, the protection and control characteristics with more perfect and reasonable (with anti time limit, time limit and instantaneous three section protection characteristics), as long as the load to the power or current