品牌:申安 产品类别:水果原浆 工艺特点:一榨0添加
原产地:北京 原料与配料:草莓 等级:出口级
净含量:200公斤/桶 外包装:200L出口铁桶
保质期:18个月 储藏方法:冷藏
草莓原浆A, sensory requirements
项 目 project |
指 标 Refers to the standard |
色 泽 Colour and lustre |
红色或紫红色,贮存过程中允许色泽变浅。 Red or purple, storage process allows the color becomes shallow. |
香气及滋味 Aroma and taste |
具有该水果原浆固有的香气及滋味,无异味。 With the fruit aroma and taste of protoplasm inherent, no peculiar smell. |
组织形态 form of organization |
组织均匀细腻,浆体质感柔滑,无明显粗纤维,长时间贮存后允许有少量果肉沉淀。 Organize uniform fine, smooth and pulp physical sense, no obvious crude fiber, |
杂 质 impurities |
无肉眼可见外来杂质。 No visible to foreign material. |
Second, the physical and chemical indicators
项 目 project |
指 标 Refers to the standard |
可溶性固形物(20℃折光计法)/(%) ≥
Total soluble solids (20 ℃ refractometer method)/(%) ≥ |
5.0 |
Titratable acid (citric acid)/(%) |
0.7±0.3 |
PH |
3.5±0.3 |
不溶性固形物(体积百分数)/ (%) ≥
Insoluble solids (volume percentage)/(%) ≥ |
30 |
Third, health indicators
项 目 project |
指 标 Refers to the standard |
砷及其化合物(以As计)/(mg/kg) ≤ Arsenic and its compounds (As)/(mg/kg) ≤ |
0.1 |
铅及其化合物(以Pb 计)/(mg/kg) ≤ Lead and its compounds (Pb)/(mg/kg) ≤ |
0.2 |
铜及其化合物(以Cu 计)/(mg/kg) ≤ Copper and its compounds (Cu)/(mg/kg) ≤ |
5.0 |
锡及其化合物(以Sn计)/(mg/kg) ≤ Tin and its compounds (Sn)/(mg/kg) ≤ |
250 |
铁及其化合物(以Fe 计)/(mg/kg) ≤ Iron and its compounds (Fe)/(mg/kg) ≤ |
15 |
锌及其化合物(以Zn 计)/(mg/kg) ≤ Zinc and its compounds (Zn)/(mg/kg) ≤ |
5 |
菌落总数/(cfu/mL) ≤ The total number of colonies (cfu/mL) ≤ |
100 |
大肠菌群/(MPN/100mL) ≤ Coliforms/(MPN / 100 ml) ≤ |
3 |
Pathogenic bacteria |
不得检出 not detectable |
酵母菌/(cfu/mL) < Yeast (cfu/mL) < |
10 |
霉菌 /(cfu/mL) < Mold/(cfu/mL) < |
10 |
北京申安食品有限公司, 成立于1999年,有北京生产基地和安徽生产基地,通过了ISO9001,HACCP,ISO22000,Kosher等认证,通过了出口食品卫生注册,有独立的进出口权,是北京市农业产业化重点龙头企业和北京市守信企业。主营产品:浓缩梨汁(梨浓缩汁),浓缩桃汁(桃浓缩汁),浓缩苹果汁(苹果浓缩汁),浓缩草莓汁(草莓浓缩汁), 山楂浆(山楂原浆),杏浆(杏浓缩浆),桃浆(黄桃原浆,白桃原浆,黄桃浓缩浆,白桃浓缩浆),草莓浆(草莓原浆), 梨水果颗粒(梨颗粒浆),苹果水果颗粒(苹果颗粒浆) 产品畅销欧洲,美洲,东南亚,非洲。欢迎全国客户来我司考察指导。