SU2 - Diamond Edition
The SU2 is a cost-efficient precision machine for milling of engraving and form cutters as well as special tools. accurate cutting edge geometries can be produced quickly and economically - at highest degrees of accuracy.
The versatility of this extremely reliable high-quality machine complies with all requirements, even under toughest shop conditions.
Years of experience and continuous development have established the SU2 as an integral element fo manufacture.
The version“Diamond Edition”is fitted with diamond grinding wheel on balanced flange. The option“direct clamping of tool cone”(instead of collet clamping) allows to achieve highest cyclic running precision during tool grinding.
Technical data:技术参数 |
| Dimensions / Weight 尺寸/重量 | | mm•kg | | 360 x 480 x 350•38 |
| Rotational speed milling spindle 主轴转速 | | 1/min | | 5.500 |
| Tool diameter 刀具直径 | | mm | | 1,0 - 18 |
| Setting angle 装置角 | | ° | | 0 - 90 |
| Relief angle 后角 | | ° | | 0 - 45 |
Design characteristics设计特点 |
| Sturdy machine housing with built-in, dust-protected drive motor 坚固的机器外罩以及内置防尘驱动电机。 |
| Guiding shaft with counter bearing 带轴转速计导向轴 |
| backlash-freehighly precise fine adjustment; reading accuracy: 0,01 mm 无间隙高精密度微调,读数精度:0.01mm |
| Grinding spindle with precision ball bearing and dust protection 带精密球轴承和防尘保护的砂轮主轴 |
| Wheel flange with tapered chuck and balancing provision 带锥形盘及平衡装置的轮缘 |
| Modern machine design and excellent ergonomics 现代机械设计及出色的人体工程学。 |