张经理 one five one zero one one six one nine zero
The SRRC (State Radio Regulation of China) Type
Approval Certification is the China mandatory provision for wireless products regulated
by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT).
The testing for the SRRC Type Approval must be
conducted in a laboratory in China accredited by the MIIT. The responsible
authority for radio transmission equipment is the State Radio
Monitoring and Testing Center (SRTC), who is also responsible for
safety tests of radio transmission equipment for the CCC certification.
The aim of the SRRC Type Approval Certification is to identify
parameters and functions of radio transmission equipment like
frequency range, frequency band, transmitting power, frequency tolerance,
occupied bandwidth (or spectral characteristics of the signal), and parameters of
the frequency range like out-of-band emissions and spurious emission limits. It
is most important that the parameters in the test results are identical with
the submitted parameters in the application documents. Only after a positive
test result, or after the issuance of the Type Approval Certificate (in short
CTA), can an application for the NAL (Network Access License) be submitted.
● Procedure
of acquiring the Type Approval Certification(CTA):
- Submission of application and supporting documentation
- Shipment of test samples to test lab in China
- Product test for Type Approval
- Issuance of Type Approval Certificate
- Payment of test fees