n 1200V,30A
n VCE(sat)(typ.)=2.0V@VGE=15V,IC=30A
n High speed switching
n Higher system efficiency
n Soft current turn-off waveforms
n Square RBSOA using NPT technology
General Description
JIAEN NPT IGBTs offer lower losses and higher energy
efficiency for application such as IH (induction heating),UPS,
general inverter and other soft switching applications.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Symbol | Parameter | Value | Units |
VCES | Collector-Emitter Voltage | 1200 | V |
VGES | Gate-Emitter Voltage | +30 | V |
IC | Continuous Collector Current( TC=25℃) | 55 | A |
Continuous Collector Current ( TC=100℃) | 30 | A | |
ICM | Pulsed Collector Current (Note 1) | 100 | A |
IF | Diode Continuous Forward Current( TC=100℃) | 30 | A |
IFM | Diode Maximum Forward Current (Note 1) | 100 | A |
tsc | Short Circuit Withstand Time | 10 | us |
PD | Maximum Power Dissipation( TC=25℃) | 300 | W |
Maximum Power Dissipation( TC=100℃) | 120 | W | |
TJ | Operating Junction Temperature Range | -55 to +150 | ℃ |
TSTG | Storage Temperature Range | -55 to +150 | ℃ |
Thermal Characteristics
Symbol | Parameter | Max. | Units |
Rth j-c | Thermal Resistance, Junction to case for IGBT | 0.42 | ℃/W |
Rth j-c | Thermal Resistance, Junction to case for Diode | 0.83 | ℃/W |
Rth j-a | Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient | 40 | ℃/W |
Electrical Characteristics(TC=25℃unless otherwise noted )
Symbol |
Parameter |
TestConditions |
Min. |
Typ. |
Max. |
Units |
BVCES | Collector-EmitterBreakdown Voltage | VGE=0V,IC=250uA | 1200 | - | - | V |
ICES | Collector-EmitterLeakage Current | VCE=1200V,VGE=0V | - | - | 250 | uA |
IGES | Gate Leakage Current, Forward | VGE=30V,VCE=0V | - | - | 100 | nA |
Gate Leakage Current, Reverse | VGE=-30V,VCE=0V | - | - | -100 | nA | |
VGE(th) | GateThreshold Voltage | VGE=VCE,IC=250uA | 4.5 | -5.0 | 5.5 | V |
VCE(sat) | Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage | VGE=15V,IC=30A | - | 2.0 | 2.5 | V |
Qg | Total Gate Charge | VCC=960V VGE=15V IC=30A | - | 175 |
| nC |
Qge | Gate-EmitterCharge | - | 35 |
| nC | |
Qgc | Gate-CollectorCharge | - | 80 |
| nC | |
td(on) | Turn-on Delay Time | VCC=600V VGE=15V IC=30A RG=10W Inductive Load TC=25℃ | - | 27 | - | ns |
tr | Turn-on Rise Time | - | 41 | - | ns | |
td(off) | Turn-off Delay Time | - | 320 | - | ns | |
tf | Turn-off Fall Time | - | 175 | - | ns | |
Eon | Turn-on Switching Loss | - | 1.7 | - | mJ | |
Eoff | Turn-off Switching Loss | - | 2.4 | - | mJ | |
Ets | Total Switching Loss | - | 4.2 | - | mJ | |
Cies | InputCapacitance | VCE=25V VGE=0V f = 1MHz | - | 1650 | - | pF |
Coes | OutputCapacitance | - | 280 | - | pF | |
Cres | ReverseTransfer Capacitance | - | 180 | - | pF | |
RGint | Integrated gate resistor |
| 3.8 |
| Ω |
Electrical Characteristics of Diode(TC=25℃unless otherwise noted)
Symbol | Parameter | TestConditions | Min. | Typ. | Max. | Units |
VF | DiodeForward Voltage | IF=30A | - | 2.1 | 2.4 | V |
tr r | Diode Reverse Recovery Time | VCE= 600V IF=30A dIF/dt = 500A/us | - | 210 |
| ns |
Ir r | Diode peak Reverse Recovery Current | - | 20 |
| A | |
Qr r | Diode Reverse Recovery Charge | - | 2100 |
| nC |
1. Repetitive Rating: Pulse width limited by maximum junction temperature