NV-VG300 is a high performance and low-cost inertial equipment , for measurement of attitude parameters (roll & pitch ) , angular rate and angular bias are optimized via a six-state Kalman filtie with adaptable gain , so as to make it good for dynamic measurement in navigation and positioning applications
NV-VG300 adopts high-reliability and high-stability quartz flexible accelerometer and fiber optic gyroscope, with excellent environmental characteristics, sealing design and strict technical process, which may ensure that the product can accurately measure the carrier's angular velocity, acceleration, attitude and other motion parameters even under harsh environment.
Output protocol, interface definition, and appearance may all be customized according to the demand
机载 Airborne | 车载 Vehicle-borne | 船载 Shipborne |
激活时间 Activation Time | ≤3 s | |
姿态 Attitude | 静态初始化时间Static Initializing Time | 30 s |
姿态精度 Attitude Accuracy | ≤0.1 deg, 1 s | |
陀螺仪 Gyroscope | 零偏 Bias | ≤1 deg/h |
零偏稳定性 Bias Stability | ≤0.5 deg/h | |
零偏重复性 Bias Repeatability | ≤0.5 deg/h | |
非线性 Non-Linearity (FS) | ≤200 ppm | |
加速度计Accelerometer | 零偏 Bias | ≤1 mg |
零偏稳定性 Bias Stability | ≤0.5 mg | |
零偏重复性 Bias Repeatability | ≤0.5 mg | |
测量范围Range | 横滚角 Roll | ±180 deg |
俯仰角 Pitch | ±90 deg | |
角速度 Angular Rate | ±300 deg/s | |
加速度 Acceleration | ±10 g (可定制/customlzable) | |
可靠性(预期) Reliability (predicted) | 10 Kh MTBF | |
接口特性Interface | 电压 Voltage | 9~36 VDC |
功耗 Power Consumption | ≤15 W @ 24 VDC | |
电气接口 Electrical | RS232/RS422 | |
数据更新率(可设) Data Update Rate (configurable) | 100 Hz @ 115,200 baud rate | |
使用环境Environmental | 工作温度 Operation Temperature | -40°C ~ +60°C |
存储温度 Storage Temperature | -55°C ~ +85°C | |
振动 Vibration | 6 g @ 20~2000 Hz | |
冲击 Shock | 30 g, 11 ms, 1/2 Sine | |
物理特性Physical | 尺寸 Size | 177 × 118 × 100 mm |
重量 Weight | ≤2.2 kg |