平面磁控卷绕系列镀膜设备 平面磁控卷绕系列镀膜设备主要用于高档包装、装饰、触摸屏、场效发光、防辐射、隔热防霜等领域。设备具有基材收卷整齐无划伤、靶材利用率高、充气系统出气均匀、结构合理、性能稳定、操作方便等特点。
蒸发系列真空卷绕镀膜设备 蒸发系列卷绕镀膜设备主要用于在塑料、布、纸、金属箔等带状材料表面真空蒸镀金属膜。产品广泛用于包装、印刷、防伪、纺织、电子工业等领域。本系列设备具有运行平稳、收放镀膜平齐、膜层均匀、生产周期短、能耗低、操作维护方便、性能稳定等特点。
结构特点 1、卷饶系统采用高精度支流或交流变频调速,具有运行平稳、速度高、对原卷材不划伤、不折皱,收卷端面征集等特点; 2、张力控制采用进口数字张力控制系统,具有张力、线速度恒定,动作快速的特点; 3、各组送丝由微机电机独立控制,可总调或单独调速,并有速度显示; 4、真空系统配置精良,抽气速度快,采用PLC控制; 5、配备大功率电源,镀膜效率高,膜层均匀性好。
High Vacuum Rolling Coater is specially designed equipment for coating aluminium films or oxidant compound films or other metallic films on rolls of any polyester membranes. It is extensively used for the production of metallic packing materials for food industry, decorative or packing material, electrochemical aluminium material, various labels, sticks and trade marks as well as all kind of reflective material, heat preservation or heat insulation materials and electric material.
Using this equipment, the metal film can be coated by evaporation, DC or MF ron sputtering on the surface of plastic, cloth and metal sheet, etc. It can be equipped with both evaporation and sputtering functions with efficient vacuum pumps group coupled with.
Its advantages as following:
(1) This machine equipped with a set of compound vacuum group with advantages of fast pumping speed, super-exhaustion and high vacuum state by PLC auto control in the form of digital indication to realize pre-heating, pumping, pump cooling and problem alarm, etc., the complete operation.
(2) The driving setting of double roller for the substrates in this machine adopts vector frequency conversion control system with highly resolve coder to insure, during winding operation, the stability of rolling speed and to eliminate the unfavorable influence caused by voltage fluctuation or loading.
(3) The tensile force controller of the substrates is using “MITSUBISHI” product of close-up digital tension-inspection system, coupled with tension sensor to realize the constant tension of release winding in the course of coating operation. It is adaptable for thin, narrow or stretched materials to take vector frequency conversion motor control over release and wind-up rolling and the auxiliary tension tow roller at the side of wind-up roller driven by an independent motor guarantees the high precision of tensile force control.
(4) A tracing device equipped on wind-up roller can adjust rolling position as per changes of rolling diameter to maintain constant rolling distance.
(5) The electric leveling rollers installed at both release and wind-up rollers in substrate rolling system can realize outside angle control and perform leveling effects control as per necessity in the course of coating operation.
(6) With effective cryo-freezing/heating device equipped on the main double rollers that may freeze the surface of the rollers to the minus 15 degree centigrade in the course of coating operation, can cool substrates and can make rollers recover normal temperature by heating system after coating operation finished.
(7) The chamber of this machine with connecting port for chiller, is available to install deep chiller system for coating paper.