汽车、摩托车轮毂高真空磁控溅射镀膜设备,是根据汽车和摩托车轮毂对膜质的特殊要求专业设计而成,经国内、外多间轮毂生产和镀膜工厂使用,完全满足轮毂对膜质的要求。具有以下显著特点: 1、特殊的靶体结构,溅射镀膜率高,工作周期8-12分钟即可以完成。 2、工件架除了有公转、轴公转外,每个轮毂都具有单独自转的特性,确保了每个轮毂的膜厚均匀。 3、可镀制不褪色、耐磨和防腐蚀的仿金膜、七彩膜、孔雀蓝等膜层。
Automobile and Motorcycle Hub High Vacuum ron Sputtering Coating Equipment is specially designed for the coating of automobile and motorcycle hub, which better meet the coating requirement of automobile and motorcycle hub film. Being used and tested by many hub manufacturing and coating factories, this equipment satisfy the quality requirement of the coating film for automobile and motorcycle hub fully.
Remarkable features
1) It is equipped with special target structure, which enable the machine to get high sputtering ratio, shorten coating period. Only 8-12 minutes are taken for one coating period.
2) Except the revolution of workpiece rack and the rotation of shaft, every hub can rotate inpidually, which ensure the evenness of coating film of automobile and motorcycle hub.
3) The films of peacock blue, colours, goldlike or other films can be plated on automobile and motorcycle hub, which have the properties of keeping colours, wearing resistance and corrosion resistance.
Technical data:
1) Model: JT-2200
2) Vacuum Chamber Dimension: Φ2200x2000(H)mm
3) Limited Pressure: ≤8 x 10-4 Pa
4) Workpiece Turning Diameter: Φ900mm (3shafts), Φ680mm (5shafts)
5) Pumping Time(No load, from atm to 8 x 10-3 Pa): ≤8min
6) Cryopump Unit Working Temperature: -110?
7) Cathode Sputtering Power: DC0-650V/0-100A
8) Control Mode: Auto Control
9) Working Period: ≤12min
10) Total Power: about 140KW
11) Average Power: about 80KW