应用领域: 真空炉是一种用于在真空状态下对各种工件进行热加工的工业电阻炉。被广泛用于真空热处理、真空焊接、真空退火、真空烧结、真空脱蜡、真空脱羧等工艺,可应用于点真空器件,金属热处理、粉末冶金、航空航天、磁性材料等诸多领域。
产品分类: 真空炉按起用途可分为真空焊接炉、真空铝焊炉、真空烧结炉、真空脱蜡烧结炉、真空退火炉、真空高压气淬炉、真空脱羧等诸多领域。 真空炉按其外形可分为立式真空炉(ZR-V)和卧式真空炉(ZR-H)两类。 如果是以氢气或氢氮混合气体为保护或工艺气体,完成焊接、退火、烧结、陶瓷金属化等工艺的工业电阻炉为氢气炉。
Applied Fields:
The vacuum Furnace is a kind of industrial resistance furnace used to perform hot-working on various work pieces under vacuum condition. It is widely applied in much industrial technologies such as vacuum heat treatment, vacuum brazing, vacuum annealing, vacuum sintering, vacuum dewaxing, vacuum furnaces for taking off hydroxide. It is also applied in various fields of electronic vacuum elements, metal heat treatment, powder metallurgy, aviation and aerospace, ic materials.
Products Classify:
Vacuum Furnaces have several categories ording to their use: vacuum brazing furnaces, vacuum brazing furnaces for aluminum, vacuum sintering furnaces, vacuum dewaxing sintering furnaces, vacuum annealing furnaces, high-tension vacuum gas quenching furnaces, vacuum furnaces for taking off hydroxide, etc.
Vacuum furnace has two categories, the vertical type (ZR-V) and horizontal type (ZR-H).
If the protective gas or technologic gas is hydrogen or mixed gas of hydrogen and nitrogen, the industrial resistance furnace which performs functions such as brazing, annealing, sintering, ceramic metallizing, etc.