Kester 977 is an organic water-soluble, water-based,no-cleanchemistry for high quality soldering of electroniccircuitboardassemblies. Designed for wave soldering applications,Kester977provides good wetting on most surface finishes. Thefluxwasspecifically designed to reduce bridging, whichiscommonlyassociated with VOC -free no-clean fluxes. Kester 977hasexcellentsoldering properties for improved productivitywithoutsacrificingreliability of the assembly. The flux leavesbrightshiny solderjoints and will not attack properly cured soldermasksor FR-4Epoxy-Glass laminate. The minimal amount ofresidueremaining aftersoldering is non-conductive, non-corrosiveand neednot be removed.The residues left after soldering will notinterferewithin-circuit testing. Kester 977 is not detrimental totheSurfaceInsulation Resistance (SIR) of the solderedassembly.